Lake Circulations / 湖水循環 本文へジャンプ
Research Interests / 研究内容

We are investigating circulation mechanism in lakes, such as Lake Biwa (Japan) and Lake Baikal (the world's deepest lake in Russia).


Lake Circulations / 湖水循環
  Simulated circulations in Lake Biwa
 Simulated deep convection in Lake Baikal
[ Representative Papers / 論文]
  • Akitomo et al. (2009): Annual cycle of circulations in Lake Biwa, part 2: Mechanisms. Limnology 10 119-129.
  • Akitomo et al. (2009): Annual cycle of circulations in Lake Biwa, part 1: Model validation. Limnology 10 105-118.
  • Akitomo et al. (1995): Deep convection in a lake triggered by wind: Two-dimensional numerical experiments with a nonhydrostatic model. Journal of Oceanography 51 171-185.

[ Abridged Editions / 抄訳]
  • 秋友 (2018): 夏季の琵琶湖に見られる環流とその形成メカニズム. 水利科学 62(2) 10-31 (in Japanese).
  • 秋友ら (1994): 淡水湖における深い対流. 月刊海洋号外 6 161-165 (in Japanese).